Stores Archives

How do my products show up on Groupon?
Groupon Stores products are displayed under the Groupon Goods section of the website ( Your products are displayed in search re...
Product Title and Description Rejections
If you were recently rejected and don't understand what the stated rejected reasons here are some things you can take note of when trying to fix your li...
Will I Have To Re-create All Of My Deals?
No. After you’ve had a chance to explore Gateway or go through an optional 1:1 walkthrough you can focus on updating your existing catalog using the new Bul...
When do products go live on the site?
After a product has been reviewed and approved, the product will go live and have its own permalink. Approved products typically go live on the site with...
Image Rejections
If you were recently rejected and don't understand what the stated rejected reasons here are some things you can take note of when trying to fix your li...
Do's & Do Not’s of Product Titles
DO keep your product titles concise (70 characters max, including spaces) with minimal punctuation or symbols. DO use proper punctuation and gramm...
Diamond Rejections
If you were recently rejected and don't understand what the stated rejected reasons here are some things you can take note of when trying to fix your li...
Positioning Your Product
The best way to capture traffic and position your products in search results is by having one definitive listing for a product with multiple options. Mer...
Offering In-Store Pickup
In the pursuit of providing an optimized shopping experience for Groupon Customers, we evaluate each merchant’s business location to ensure a seamless pick-...
Catalog Migration Error Definitions
Error Error Meaning How To Fix SKU over 40 characters The SKU entered for this option is greater than 40 characters long and the new Groupon Goods Gateway wi...